The Jagged Path
Mugwort Rosa Herbal Blend
Mugwort Rosa Herbal Blend
Mugwort (artemisia vulgaria) and Rose (rosa) blend.
Mugwort is an anticoagulant, antibacterial, disinfectant, and an antioxidant. It is a warming herb and an ally to all.
Mugwort helps to regulate lunar cycles and alleviate the pains associated.
Everyone can benefit from Mugwort's ability to relieve pain and muscle tension.
Also helpful for coughing, asthma, and sore throats.
Mugwort is also a dream herb and has been used for prophesying and scrying; it helps by stimulating the brain's creative energy. Acupuncturists incorporate Mugwort into their therapy by burning Mugwort on acupuncture points, known as a Moxibustion, as an alternative to traditional needles.
Burning moxa (Mugwort, either packed in a stick, a cone, or loose) works by stimulating movement in the blood, lymphatic system, and it also boosts the immune system by strengthening the bodies’ capability to drive out pathogens.
Mugwort helps to comfort the mind and keeps stress at a manageable level. Mugwort contains triterpenes, flavonoids, and coumarin derivatives, as well as thujone, which is a mild intoxicant. It also boosts relaxing and digestive properties.
Wild Rose has been referred to as ASMR--a brain massage, of sorts--for the soul. It gently embraces you, while restoring your being. It's calming, yet exhilarating.
Mugwort and rose are a perfect combination for opening the heart and calming the soul, particularly when you’re experiencing tense, uneasy, or distressed emotions.
Mugwort is also burned to cleanse an area before ritual, or simply to remove stagnant/negative energy. Throw a little of this blend into your fire-pit to keep mosquitoes away!
The components of this blend were planted, grown, harvested, dried, and prepared by me, personally.
As with all of my products, this blend is created in small batches, to assure quality and freshness. You will receive a 4 oz container full of this blend. It can be §møk£d in a pipe, rolled and §møk£d, or burned on a charcoal.
Mugwort should not be handled or used by pregnant or lactating individuals.
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ."